7 Perspectives Of Management By Henry Mintzberg

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The field of management theory and practice has greatly benefited from the outstanding work of Henry Mintzberg, a distinguished Canadian management expert. Mintzberg's noteworthy contributions include the recognition and explication of the 7 Perspectives of Management, which provide a wealth of information about the complex and ever-changing duties and accountabilities that come with being a manager.

This piece will delve into each one of Mintzberg's 7 perspectives to gain a better understanding of how they aid in shaping the seven management strategies as follows:

1. Interpersonal Roles: Managers act as leaders, liaisons, and figureheads, guiding their teams and representing their organizations.

2. Informational Roles: Managers gather, share, and communicate information within and outside the organization.

3. Decisional Roles: Managers make decisions, solve problems, allocate resources, and negotiate on behalf of the organization.

4. Reflective Perspective: Managers engage in self-reflection and personal growth to improve their effectiveness.

5. Crisis Manager Perspective: Managers prepare for and respond to unexpected crises and disruptions.

6. Networking Perspective: Managers build relationships with external stakeholders, seek insights, and explore collaborations.

7. Mintzberg's Perspective: Managers have personal values and beliefs that influence their actions, and it's important to align them with their managerial role.

​Mode of Operation

1. Philosophical Foundation: Mintzberg's perspective is rooted in his personal beliefs, values, and philosophy about the practice of management.

2. Critical Thinking: It encourages critical thinking and contemplation. Managers who align with this perspective engage in thoughtful analysis of the ethical and moral dimensions of their decisions and actions.

3. Long-Term View: Mintzberg's perspective encourages managers to adopt a long-term view of management, taking into account not only short-term goals but also the lasting impact of their decisions on people and society.

4. Managerial Wisdom: This perspective encourages managers to tap into wisdom, which can inform their decision-making beyond mere technical expertise.


1. Personal Beliefs: Mintzberg's Perspective on Management is rooted in his personal beliefs, values, and philosophy about the practice of management. It reflects his perspective on what management should be.

2. Individual Approach: This perspective acknowledges that each manager may have a unique set of values, principles, and beliefs that guide their actions and decision-making.

3. Critical Thinking: Managers, according to Mintzberg's perspective, should engage in critical thinking and reflection to make informed and ethical decisions.

4. Adaptability: This perspective suggests that managers should be adaptable and open to evolving their management practices based on changing circumstances and societal needs.


1. Holistic Understanding: These perspectives provide a comprehensive view of what managers do, recognizing that managerial roles are multifaceted and dynamic.

2. Role Clarity: They clarify the various roles managers play, making it easier for individuals to understand their responsibilities and expectations within an organization.

3. Adaptability: Managers can adapt their behavior and focus depending on the specific situation and their organization's needs.

4. Effective Decision-Making: By acknowledging the decisional roles, these perspectives emphasize the importance of making informed and timely decisions.


1. Complexity: The model can be quite complex and overwhelming for both new and experienced managers, potentially making it challenging to apply in practice.

2. Overlapping Roles: In reality, managerial roles often overlap and change rapidly, making it difficult to neatly categorize them into distinct perspectives.

3. Neglect of Certain Roles: Focusing on certain perspectives might lead to the neglect of other essential managerial roles, potentially impacting overall organizational performance.


Henry Mintzberg's 7 Perspectives of Management provides a holistic view of the multifaceted nature of managerial roles and responsibilities. They remind us that effective management is not limited to making decisions but also involves critical thinking, negotiation, change management, information dissemination, monitoring, entrepreneurship, and crisis management.