Strategic Management with Strategy Mapping

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Strategy Mapping is a dynamic tool in the world of Strategy Management that was born from the works of Kaplan and Norton, the creators of the balanced scorecard, in the early 1990s. It evolved as a response to the need for a more comprehensive and adaptable approach to strategic planning.


Strategy Mapping serves as a versatile solution with applications across diverse domains like:

1. Strategic Management: It is the backbone of strategic planning, providing a clear roadmap for organizations to align their actions with their vision and mission.

2. Corporate Development: Strategy Mapping aids in evaluating and prioritizing initiatives, ensuring they are in line with the long-term corporate plan.

3. Performance Measurement: It facilitates the tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor progress towards the strategic objectives.

4. Targeting Growth: Strategy Mapping helps identify growth opportunities and allocate resources effectively.

​Mode of Operation

At its core, strategy mapping is a visual representation of an organization’s strategic objectives and the cause-and-effect relationships that drive success. Here’s how it works:

1. Objective Setting: Organizations define their strategic objectives, from financial goals to customer satisfaction and internal processes.

2. Cause-and-effect Relationships: Strategy mapping links these objectives in a cause-and-effect chain, illustrating how achieving one objective impacts another.

3. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Specific KPIs are associated with each objective, allowing for quantifiable measurement of progress.

4. Alignment: Strategy Mapping ensures alignment across all levels of the organization, from C-Suite to individual employees, by illustrating how their work contributes to strategic goals.


1. Visual Clarity: Strategy Maps are highly visual, making complex strategies easy to understand for all members of the organization.

2. Adaptability: They can be tailored to suit the unique needs and goals of any organization, ensuring flexibility.

3. Communication Tool: Strategy Maps serves as a communication tool, helping executives convey strategic plans to the entire workforce.

4. Strategic Focus: By highlighting cause-and-effect relationships, Strategy Mapping keeps organizations focused on the most critical aspects of their strategy.


1. Alignment: Strategy Mapping aligns the entire organization, ensuring everyone understands their role in achieving strategic goals.

2. Clarity: It provides a clear visual representation of the strategic plan, reducing ambiguity and confusion.

3. Performance Tracking: By associating KPIs with objectives, organizations can easily track their progress and make informed decisions.

4. Flexibility: Strategy Mapping can adapt to changing business environments, allowing for continuous improvement.


1. Time-consuming: Creating and maintaining Strategy Maps can be a time-intensive process, especially for large organizations.

2. Resistance to Change: Implementing strategy Mapping may face resistance from employees accustomed to traditional strategic planning methods.

3. Complexity: In some cases, Strategy Maps can become overly complex, making it challenging to maintain clarity.

4. Data Dependency: Effective strategy mapping relies on accurate and up-to-date data, which can be a challenge for some organizations.


In conclusion, strategy mapping is a powerful tool in the arsenal of executive management and C-level entrepreneurs. Originating from the balanced scorecard framework, it has evolved to become an essential component of strategic management and corporate development. With its ability to provide visual clarity, align organizations, and track performance, strategy mapping empowers businesses to chart a clear path to success, ensuring that every action is strategically driven and contributing to the realization of long-term corporate goals.