Trail: Entrepreneur, Executive

Copyright © 02/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

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delegation Your goal on this trail
Self-empowerment in Enterprise Leadership 5.0
​Accessing knowledge, developing skills, and getting training for practical implementation. Interacting with peers or acquiring suitable coaching or sparring if needed. Applying Enterneering® in practice.


Following the Roadmap I+II

delegation Enterneering® Roadmap (Part I)
Get to know the core elements. Understand the approach and its significance in the 21st century. Study the elements' content and interrelationships. Learn why these elements are so important and how they are influenced. Gain relevant know-how for effective application in real practice.  ❯❯❯

Learn more...

Self-study course in 4 sequences

All contributions in sequences A to D are available as text posts and as podcasts to listen to. The contributions build on each other like a digital book and are linked to relevant sibling contributions. It is strongly recommended that you follow the sequence to ensure better understanding and effective learning.enterneering-approach

​Sequence A - Awareness

The initial stage focuses on better understanding the structure of the app, gaining an overview of the path outlined, and identifying the personal requirements for success. On this basis, awareness should be created and then a decision made in favour of the roadmap. As Enterneering® is a mindset-oriented process in many areas, the right inner attitude and conviction are essential criteria for success. Effective Enterneering® involves intentional personal development and targeted work 'on' the company. Both aspects signify change and require a certain amount of effort, inner willingness, and perseverance.

​Sequence B - Preparation

The second stage involves some preparatory content related to Enterneering® and the 22 elements. The aim is to understand their significance and categorisation within corporate development and to gain a picture of the context that will serve as the focus of the subsequent stages.

​Sequence C - The 22 elements

The third stage is about reading or working through the 3 chapters (culture, people, organisation) and their 22 elements. This stage is like reading an interactive textbook. The insights, knowledge and inner attunement gained from this are the prerequisites for successful implementation in the subsequent fourth stage.

​Sequence D - Implementation

The fourth stage involves the step-by-step implementation of the Enterneering® approach and the 22 elements, both at a personal level and within the organisational framework of the company. There is a separate process-related phase model for this stage, which is described in terms of content and methodology. The methods and tools helpful for implementation are explained and there are hyperlinks to sample tools for implementation in each individual phase.

Go to Roadmap ❯❯❯


delegation Enterneering® Roadmap (Part II)
Following the first part of the roadmap, find out how implementation can be organised in practice. Get to know useful tools such as our RADAR or WORKOUT. Learn more about the Enterneering® process and understand how to implement it effectively.  ❯❯❯


Getting certified


delegation Certification in Enterneering®
Successfully pass the test and receive the Enterneering certificate, which certifies complete processing as well as the knowledge and systemic understanding acquired.  ❯❯❯ Coming soon


Discovering related Topics

delegation Field Trips
Explore this feed with its single topics, excursions, and practice cases. Use the possibility to manoeuvre directly through the practice-oriented content of the app without following a defined structure. Get inspired and browse for interesting cases.  ❯❯❯


delegation News & Updates
Find out what's new. Receive information on current posts or dialogues. Stay informed about trends, updates, or findings. Visit our news feed at the bottom of the homepage occasionally. Activate push notifications in your mobile app.  ❯❯❯


delegation Podcasts & Auditory Learning
Most of our text posts are available as podcasts or audible. Open the audio version directly in the relevant post. You can read and listen to the posts at the same time. Explore all audio files in the Podcasts section and open them directly in the player.  ❯❯❯


delegation Vlogs & Tutorials
​Use tutorials for a better understanding. Benefit from video posts explaining the procedure and tools for practical implementation. Stream recordings of dialogues, impulse events, or webinars. Videos related to posts are linked directly within the relevant post.  ❯❯❯


Interacting with others

delegation Comments
​Use the opportunity for comments and discourse provided in many posts. Ask your questions and share your experiences with like-minded people. Receive valuable tips, advice, and feedback. Always comment in a respectful and relevant manner. Stick to our code of conduct. 


delegation Coached peer group dialogues
​Experience the power and inspiration of regular peer group sparring with other executives and accompanying one-to-one coaching with experienced experts focussing on enterprise development. Benefit from this exclusive learning, dialogue, and training format.  ❯❯❯


Involving suitable experts

delegation Talking and sharing ideas with experts
​Talk with an expert to help gain an overview and reflect on your current situation and the resulting options for action. Find a suitable companion for brainstorming and better navigation. Experts are at your disposal as coaches or sparring partners if you need them.  ❯❯❯


delegation Involving experts in implementation sparring
​Use the accompanying support from experienced experts. Benefit from their expertise in managing complexity, structuring measures, and moderating change or transformation. Benefit from support oriented to self-empowerment and free from prejudices or conflicts of interest.  ❯❯❯



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