APP Guidance

Elements of Enterneering®/Basics before starting/APP Guidance 

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For your better orientation: Please read the following 3 sections 'Functional Use, Content-related Use, and Roadmap' below.


Technical Use of the App


Use on different devices

Available on iOS, Android, and as PWA on the internet

The app runs both as a native app on mobile devices as well as a progressive web application (PWA ➡ on each device connected to the internet. All our non-restricted content is available on iOS, Android, and PWA without any kind of registration. 

apple store google store


Non-restricted use

​Annual subscription to use all content without advertisement

The comprehensive content (non-restricted and restricted) of the app is available after a subscription to the Apple or Google store. The subscription is valid for one year and is automatically renewed if not canceled before the end of the term. Our app may contain advertisements from third parties which is switched off for all subscribers.

IMPORTANT: All subscribers should additionally sign up with name and email to our PWA platform after subscription using the profile icon in the header on the device they paid for their subscription. After this step, they will be able to log in to the PWA ( and access public as well as restricted content on any device connected to the internet.


Functional Use of the App


Tutorial 1: Navigation

The Enterneering® app is divided into two main areas:

Knowledge & Experience

Implementation & Training
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Both areas are directly accessible from anywhere in the app.

In addition to classic menu navigation, cross-references and links between related or complementary content are provided at as many relevant points within the content as possible. This ensures that users can easily and consistently engage with the specific topic they are currently focused on.

We have opted for the approach 'keep it simple, stay focused & be safe' and have avoided the collection and storage of personal data, special tracking within the app, as well as complicated features as much as possible. The same applies to individual comment functions, chain dialogues, surveys, or forums. The app is primarily designed as a personal and individually usable companion.


Knowledge & Experience

(Main Menu)

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Central feed with all news, current contributions, research, announcements, and references


  • Who is behind Enterneering®
  • What philosophy is pursued
  • What is meant by Enterneering®

Elements of Enterneering®

The core of the app with the illustration of all 22 elements across the three areas of culture, people, and organisation. For each element, there is a description of the content. Many of these descriptions feature interactive links to related or complementary articles, methods, or tools within the app. Navigation along the elements and all the content associated with them is most efficient here.

Field Trips

Practice Feed with all excursions and practice cases related to the elements in Enterneering®. Offers the possibility to manoeuvre directly through the practice-oriented content of the app without following a defined structure. Good way to get inspired and browse for interesting cases.

Methods & Tools

Collection of all articles and downloads published within the app, focusing specifically on methods and tools in Enterneering®. The content is organised into categories and offers the possibility to manoeuvre directly through the collection and browse for interesting methods or tools.


Video feed with all recorded posts, clips, and tutorials of the app.


Collection of all quotes from the Enterneers® and other individuals associated with the elements in Enterneering®.


All personal favourites and saved content at a glance. The personal theme memory for the entire app.


The central search engine for the entire app. Individual search by keywords, posts, videos, and images.


Gateway for submissions to the Enterneers®. You can submit suggestions or needs for individual contributions or additions to existing content. It is possible to submit images and videos as well as text.

Implementation & Training

This section contains all topics of the sub-menu described below.


​Implementation & Training

(Sub Menu)

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Practical Implementation

Knowledge, experiences and explanations around the practical application of Enterneering® incl. personal and organisational anchoring. Training tips and tools.

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Application knowledge related to analysis, assessment, and planning in the implementation of the elements in Enterneering®. Tools for determining and improving the maturity level of the company and its leadership.​

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Personal training planning and accompanying monitoring in the improvement of the maturity level and the implementation of Enterneering®.

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Explanation of the characteristics and differences between consulting, coaching, and sparring. Classification of the importance of sparring and coaching in Enterneering®. Integration of sparring/coaching with Enterneering®experts.



Content-related Use of the App


Tutorial 2: How To Use

We differentiate between two types of users in our app: occasional users and roadmap followers. Both types are completely legitimate, and we regard them equally.

Occasional users

We define occasional users as all those who use the app sporadically and for specific interests. These are users who either select individual posts or look for interesting content in the app. The most important characteristic is that these users are not currently engaged in our dedicated Enterneering® process. Occasional users, especially those without specific prior information about Enterneering® and its individual elements may take longer to form a coherent understanding of our approach and to internalise the various connections between the individual elements and their implementation.

For occasional users, our app will probably primarily take the form of a knowledge platform or a moderated, interactive specialist magazine focusing on effective work 'on' the company with a particular emphasis on culture, people and organisation.

A special group of occasional users are those who have acquired the necessary basic knowledge and self-understanding through the book "Enterneering®: Resilience by Empowerment" available in both paperback and eBook formats and then use our app to further explore, apply individual elements, and engage in practical implementation.

Roadmap Followers

Roadmap Followers are the users who have made a conscious decision to follow our roadmap through the individual phases in Enterneering®. They have also decided to spend the necessary time and follow a certain basic logic and sequence. By doing so, Roadmap Followers embark on a personal development process and create the basis for effective Enterneering® for their company, which can also be supported by the Enterneers®.


The Roadmap


Tutorial 3: The Roadmap

Our roadmap consists of five successive stages and other interlinked content areas (field trips, methods & tools, news, etc.), which are referenced by hyperlinks within the individual content of each stage.

​Stage 1 - Awareness

The initial stage focuses on better understanding the structure of the app, gaining an overview of the path outlined, and identifying the personal requirements for success. On this basis, awareness should be created and then a decision made in favour of the roadmap. As Enterneering® is a mindset-oriented process in many areas, the right inner attitude and conviction are essential criteria for success. Effective Enterneering® involves intentional personal development and targeted work 'on' the company. Both aspects signify change and require a certain amount of effort, inner willingness, and perseverance.

​Stage 2 - Preparation

The second stage involves some preparatory content related to Enterneering® and the 22 elements. The aim is to understand their significance and categorisation within corporate development and to gain a picture of the context that will serve as the focus of the subsequent stages.

​Stage 3 - The 22 elements

The third stage is about reading or working through the 3 chapters (culture, people, organisation) and their 22 elements. This stage is like reading an interactive textbook. The insights, knowledge and inner attunement gained from this are the prerequisites for successful implementation in the subsequent fourth stage.

​Stage 4 - Implementation

The fourth stage involves the step-by-step implementation of the Enterneering® approach and the 22 elements, both at a personal level and within the organisational framework of the company. There is a separate process-related phase model for this stage, which is described in terms of content and methodology. The methods and tools helpful for implementation are explained and there are hyperlinks to sample tools for implementation in each individual phase.

​Stage 5 - Improvement

The fifth and final stage revolves around the permanent application of Enterneering® within both the individual and the company. Roadmap followers who have reached this stage with their organisation should have achieved a significantly higher level of maturity and be able to move on to a process of continuous improvement. This phase must be consciously and permanently organised, as it normally has no end date and is not a sure-fire success.





Related content:

  • Home/About  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Vlogs/APP User Guide - Chapter 1: Navigation  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Vlogs/APP User Guide - Chapter 2: Ways to use  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Vlogs/APP User Guide - Chapter 3: Roadmap  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Methods & Tools/Ways to use the Enterneering® App  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Methods & Tools/Enterneering® Process at a Glance  ❭ ❭ ❭